Swollen knuckles and Bruised up shoulders, It hurts me to see him hurt; Especially with everything He has to go through. His eyes are always shadowed With pain and anger. He is a Ghost of red, Living a life of Blood. He is one of 'mine' And the way he lives scares me, Makes me afraid for him. He fights With others and himself. I know him well enough To know when something's wrong. Even when he denies it, I see right through the "I'm fine." He's never really happy; Rarely does he smile. It breaks my heart To watch him suffer. I do my best to help But it's not quite enough. It's so unfair For him to deal with all this, Because he's such a good person Regardless of the things he's done. The reasons justify his actions; He does what he believes is right. I can tell when he feels Even a little overwhelmed Cuz I know his signs of stress. He's a person who's got your back; He'll be there for you if you need him. You can trust him And count on him to keep his word. He's one of the best people you could know. He is Vinny.
for one of my friends. he's got a hard life but he's strong.