There is a Polestar in my head pointing constantly to you: wonder woman, I can smell the fragrances in your unfurled hair fluttering in the winds drunk of the earth wet with the promise of coming rains.
Though all coloured shadows, these be, images that I dwell amongst, cut rough they are, my fingers bleed at their edges: I am in a kaleidoscope of a distant viewer, the secret turner of the wheels of our fates.
I keep searching for you by the banks of a lake draped in receding shroud of mists, at the place where the river bends, teary eyes moist in memories and where the the whole world's upturned in her *****.
It must be the wood, that waded into our home one spring and snatched you off into her depths; Or that I am a conjurer - I conjured you into my life desolate in springs; I conjured you out in the rains.
All the eddies are time-warps that hold smiles and tears, embalmed, hugging one another like old loves, that you hop on crossing spates and reaching for the caves that line the edges of the horizon hills.