Findyour dreams. Grasp* them. Hold* them. Really strive for them. Wrestle them down Keep going for them Even of they try and wriggle free When failure kicks at your shins Remember! It takes NO effort to be a loser Grab your goals Fight! Fight for them! If you want it bad enough Don't. Give. Up! Don't give all those who would cheer at your fall an opportunity Don't wait for a perfect opportunity either Go for it now! and I do mean now!! Fight for it! and fight hard Really dig in your heels Hold on to that dream Beat it No Excuses Beat it good and grab another You don't become Great for nothing Being Great, is just a bunch of small dreams done well So get to it Harness your will Put the chains to it Let nothing hold you down Break the mold! Set yourself free Do what other wont Remember.... The goal isn't to live Forever
It's to create something that *will
Now go watch motivational videos on youtube all night and then come tell me your not a better person
(I'll probably always be editing this. cuz theres always more to say)