Your scent resinates on my skin The image of you staring at me naked "I feel so violated" I said over and over in my head I told you "no" You kept going I didn't stop you, because I thought it's what you wanted "I cared about you. How could you do this to me?" No answer.
Please free me of your restraints You're done using my body to soothe your desires I want to take a shower Let me wash away all the lies you told me Let me wash away the pain
I allowed you to bring me here I followed you into your bedroom Preventing this from happening was all I could think about The possibility of you fighting me or not allowing me to leave was stronger
So I laid there Motionless Worthless Distraught Forced friction No emotional protection
"Go ahead," I thought No escaping you now You sweat profusely I'm weeping internally You know something is wrong You say nothing