1.) Squishing fluffy flakes beneath boots on snowy grounds 2.) Curling into warm open arms for sleep or to lounge 3.) Hot breath on the back of the neck 4.) An excited dog bounding into your chest 5.) Exhausting hikes worth every heave once the summit view has been reached 6.) Frightening free falls from 13000 feet 7.) Showers. Showers. Showers. 8.) TV show marathons 9.) Comfort beyond what has ever been known 10.) A sense of normality and peace of mind 11.) Pushing to reach that top rock in time 12.) Aiming to fire for the T-Box or 10 13.) Coming home to you again 14.) Learning the geometry of pool 15.) Dancing renditions and keeping cool
I have so many reasons why I'm thankful for you.
I have been so thankless.
A stunning sunset and an extended family. Modern technology and financial support. Sound mind and free time. Fashionable clothes and little luxuries.