HEART OF A MOTHER The one who took my heart You never took me to the moon Yet you brought me to the sun I have never been near the sky But you took me to play in the rain
Like a super mom in my eyes, you were Super burned in your memories, seen so many Women who use selfless devotion wind up having Less self to give to their loved one, been on your Sight in your worst, the sacrifice of debt which some Are priceless
How can I repay that debt? You went through hardship For hard work, I cannot count the bruise or morning I Heard you groaning, always wonders of yours scars Yet you kept saying it was ok, has it in my eyes?
You never chosen any easy way out and been too frazzled To squeeze in anything for you, moment after moment It was me before you neither did you gave up, always lean On your feet like a soldier for protection, I will never ask For a better mother.