I find that things happen for a reason don't know what the reason is but it's there..... though not always noticeable.... for those of you who know me and even for those who don't you may see I'm different I know I am not always in a good way not always in a bad way sometimes I'm just neutral well, I'm 16 and I don't have many revenues to let out my feelings hellopoetry is really all I have to let my pain out to show my joy which I'm not supposed to show in too great of amounts or else I'm yelled at..... for those who thinks that is stupid I agree with you but it's what I'm supposed to do or rather, not supposed to do..... I'm an expressive person I end up always showing my heart on my sleeve which just hurts me more in the long run but I can't seem to help it...... it just goes that way with no plan no forethought it just happens and to see me no one knows what to expect what to think...... what to feel about me I'm not emotional but I am empathetic which just hurts me more cuz like I said my heart is on my sleeve on display for anyone to see...... I love people for them I just need someone that will love me back anyone can say that "God loves" me and I know that..... I just want, no, NEED someone to love me on Earth someone that will see me truthfully and like what they see I'm no girly-girl I'm more rough than that I'm more a tom-girl.... and proud to be so. :)
things going on right now, feel like a good time to post this.... I'm just me.... :/...... not sure who that is, never really was.....