we never stood a chance against our dead in the headlight blindsiding backwards way of living
coffee cups and arbitrary laughter
i never liked living room company i prefer the horses never take a shoe off and stand when you're able
my name is Andrew and I like fist fights and burnt marshmallows piles of winter headwinds and snow drifts that don't numb your ankle hard work with no shirt and two day stubble a few beers at night but not enough to hurt it i've never been one for hangovers i like crescent wrenches that fit perfectly the pop of a difficult pickle jar and the inedible satisfaction after i like my friends and thereafter i'm not keen on others who want that circle larger back squats and knee wraps jello shots that don't cost me a dime i do what i want and want what i do i will live my life upon my dreams and i don't have any regrets