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Feb 2015
They will tell you that it is the purest thing you can be, because you are born with an innocence that is meant to be savored until you find your one true love, your soul mate.
But that doesn't always happen.
Because sometimes in life you can't help the way you feel about someone, even though you're only 16. And it wasn'tΒ Β even love you were looking for. Sometimes all we want is to feel another warm body against ours, making us feel safe, secure, and alive. We want them lusting and craving every inch. Even if it means not having them help you get dressed afterwards, sometimes all we want is just a blissful time.
Sometimes life is unexpected, and for some of us, whether we wanted to or not, had the only thing that we could call ours taken away from us. The one thing we were saving for our first love was gone. Because sometimes life is just too cruel and we aren't strong enough to fight back. We were the unfortunate ones.
But sometimes we're lucky. And we find that person who makes life worth it. We meet them at a concert, they compliment you and you aren't really sure wether it was sincere until they show sincerity. You go out for coffee and talk all night about your dreams and aspirations. And in less than one week you knew they were the one. The one who would undress your thoughts and spread your heart apart to see and hold you in a state of vulnerability.  They would set your body on fire by the way they told you "I love you",  and an ****** was the warmth that ran through your body when you embraced. Because sometimes, losing your virginity doesn't mean having ***, but having someone see you at your most insecure moments and still find you beautiful as they make love your mind and soul.
Emilia Rose
Written by
Emilia Rose  Arizona
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