Lost There is no left or right Lost If there is, its not in sight
I'm Lost The only way is down There is no way up I'm Lost
Lost Its nothing, nothing at all Lost Its nothing, nothing understandable
I'm lost The words won't come out They're stuck in the mouth I'm lost
Lost With a steady hand there could be more Lost But the steady hand is shaking
I'm lost The tears don't come anymore Nothing does, not even a glisten I'm lost
Lost A smile seems so easy Lost But it's asking the impossible
I'm lost Alone and in silence Unsure and disgraced I'm lost
Lost Outside? What is this? Lost Inside is all there is
I'm lost A distraction seems necessary But innevitably futile I'm lost Big words make things better But the little ones hurt I'm lost No more, it's becoming unbearable This can't Be the end I'm lost