some last night clutched the sorry sorely sack of clean rigid muscles that tomorrow contemplates in wearing under ***** flaccid skin that everybody wears more commonly on the brushing wane of their frailing dying bodies that they wear on the short folds of hours that everyday wears between sleeping and starting cupping sunlight's wriggling adept worm that in the corpse of night in through its sallow ginger skin the hard creeping the cool creeping; the slender cylinder of its fornicating colors slips right through it the basic plain extra ordinarily placid death of of strong brutish approp riate night, "i wonder why the wind with legs as hard as silk opens never right at the seam it's got at the back of its small its tiny, its fast white hair lip, but who would care how ugly its face got because the way its hands got all sharp and soft on my meandyou " that's probably like how it was the window's summer's open closing falling clots of creamless clouds that nuzzled under heaven onto armor, spears, and lovely amber sunsets all over the back of my car when you candy(like the lithe arguable sugar men did with ruby apples and made them even sweeter with the hot supple red shells they rubbed all over the pert negligee of autumn's hard little luscious)ied the nape of my neck with the lunging elegance of your saintly slightly painted painting my nape lips those rushing throngs of sturdy cords that made me. Barely