I have discovered new changes and cravings that loving you has brought me to realize One. The warmth of a blanket is different from the warmth of a body and I would rather freeze to death in your arms than cover myself in fabric Two. As a child, I used to dream of red clay being palmed into shape Into mountains, wind washed, carved to life I think of loving you this way Though it is only a childhood craft medium I can make something beautiful out of it Three. I will forever be compromising myself for you Though I know it is stupid to endeavor being well adjusted to something that is broken But all I really want is to be what you want Even if it means digging holes in myself Scratching old roots out of my veins Planting new gardens and flowers of your particular liking Four. Loving you is like walking across the street when you know it is not time yet, the crimson lit palm telling you that it is a time to stay still, never listening and thinking, maybe they'll stop for me today but they never do and you end up wrecked each time Loving you is going back every day, already broken enough so why not test the waters once more Convincing yourself that there is something different about this time Five. Though you are so beautiful, your smile is a light in the dark, your kiss is venomous and I know you are not good for me but there something so enticing about swallowing a poison that taste so sweet You are a deceiving medicine that will only make me sicker I have discovered new changes and craving that loving you has brought me to realize and these are only a few out of the many that my mind holds captive, I hope to tell them to you one day