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Feb 2015
You come through my opened door
And I feel your hands softly wrap around me
I turn around,  but you are gone
Then yet again you're behind me
This time pushing me to the ground
I used to be able to pick myself up
Yet now I see I rely on your touch to give me strength
I feel you carry me and lay me on your lap
My head on your beating heart
I allow myself to forgive you
Just as you throw me off
When it's good
We can do anything and it's us against the world
But when it's bad
The chain around our hearts tighten until it almost kills us both
I get up to leave
But you pull me close
Forever making me stay by reminding me of my love for you
I couldn't go without your touch
Even if you push me down
I don't want to live without hearing your heart beat
Even if it's not for me
My heart and my brain go to war
One afraid of getting hurt
The other not caring as long as you're with me
Many watch us as we play the confusing game of love
They cringe and mock
But it's us against the world
Until you, mi amor, want to fight it alone
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