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Feb 2015
I've laid my sword down to save a soul
One that was not worthy of penance
Spoke love out of fantasy
But this was the only choice I could see

White wings were cut down and her eyes so impure
Blood ran to a river's length as far as my vision could see
My lips were purged of a faith turned to fallacy

Within a kiss that was so familiar to me

My eyes were pure, my faith was strong
Betrayal struck where my heart belonged
Killed by my own, my heart sang off
Darkness lives in the purest of us all

My heart bore fangs now that my eyes knew fear
Vengeance meant survival- survival to end the means
Of betrayed hearts waiting for the blood of the one who deceived

My eyes breathed hate, my faith was wronged
Emptiness grew where my heart belonged
To **** my own despite the costs
Darkness lives in the purest of us all

Cautiously unaware, her fears at bay
I rested there motionless- my actions will still be stayed
Vengeance was achieved before she looked away

Her eyes were silent and no more afraid
She spoke of waiting, waiting just for this day
Though remorse ran her neck wet
Wet with the blood and tears
She was content like no one should be

Her eyes breathed pain, her skin was warm
Regret overwhelmed her heart for so long
I killed my own to gain what was lost
Darkness lives in the purest of us all

She whispers slowly to me
"You were always warm, but you would feel nothing..."
She whispered closely to me
"Wings aren't always white, but does that mean anything...?"
She consoled herself in me
"Your embrace was always cold, yet you would feel nothing..."
She turn her eyes to me
"Vengeance is all you had, but now do you have anything...?"

My eyes breathed hate when my faith was wronged
Emptiness grew where my heart belonged
To **** my own despite the costs
Darkness lives in the purest of us all

Vengeance took my life, my faith I tossed
Emptiness is now my heart's final clause
I killed my own and must pay the cost
My fangs are true, my white wings are lost

© 2014
Neal Emanuelson
Written by
Neal Emanuelson  Amsterdam, Netherlands
(Amsterdam, Netherlands)   
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