The doll is feeble, dull is the needle Pulled by the limbs, the string is so thin All over the roads and hills Covered with mud and muck Silent smile dragged on for miles. In these travels, the string unravels The distance is great but still it’s not far behind
Stitches torn apart, Forever, stitched at heart. To feel threaded sutures slip away And they’re dragged on For miles and miles, but still they stay It still holds on
The string gets longer but never stronger It withers at ends still getting pulled along Stitch to confine what is inside It only smiles with a grin that never seems to fade Too tired to cover what stitches cover Without any hold, they come faster undone Hanging on for as long as it could From the hands that can never let go Always believing that brand-new feeling
Forever, stitched at heart To feel threaded sutures slip away And they’re dragged on For miles and miles, but still they stay Stitched up the loose ends so the smile never fades A doll’s life is fine life.