I want you to call me when you're drunk When vision is blurred and words are slurred When your mind is running and tripping over its own feet Throwing misspoken sentences right out of your mouth I want you to call me I want you to tell me that you miss me, tell me that you haven't forgotten about me yet, tell me that this drunken conversation is one you have been rehearsing for months I would never want you to tell me these things sober I want you to call me when you're drunk I only want you to call me because you are lonely and are craving any sort of attention, I do not want you to mean anything that you say I want you to call me when you're drunk Cascade this façade all over your barstool Run your fingers through your hair in distress and lack of affection Call me and tell me everything on your sweet mind that I once knew Call me and remind me of it all And I want you to do this when you are drunk because I do not have to worry about this fight dragging on, we will settle this tonight and you will not recall it I will able to nod my head and smile and not miss you anymore This is the brink of intoxicated exhaustion Call me when you are drunk And reveal the secrets you've hid away in your heart But I want you to wake up the next morning wondering What spilled off your tongue, and why my name appeared lit up on your phone I want you to call me when you're drunk And not remember any of it Do not call me in the morning **Do not call me ever again