The experts at what is right Are Not Experts. How many Times does this need to be said: They know not what they do Forgive them-They know not.
Better there be liars than what Liars say be true. Why liars? Because they claim to know But they know not and they Know they know not and ask Not to be forgiven-shun it Claiming righteousness. Have they not heard that There is none righteous- No not one. Of Lies There are two kinds the facts and the in- Uendo of assumed con- Sensus which is by far the Worse: :" He is a Jew" Fact Unspoken- Untrustworthy Person and Christ killer One and same Christ the Jew and the slayer-God The son of man-man Having no false gods Before Him. Man Alone He know not and knows He know not but still He Says I am am that I am.