My response for your care in my reputation is Thank you, but No Thank you. Your way has seemed to calm the rest of the people in the room to silence in appall. The criticism is too much. My brain cannot think of anymore ways to change on your behalf. I understand my crazy qualities are too intense for the age we hold according to you. We are fourteen. This is the age we both hold in our lives. It is up to me to have fun while I can. You are wasting precious time by growing up too fast. Seems that all you can tell me is what I did wrong. I see you are watching me as if you have custody over me. I am no child. You are no more mature. My heart breaks every time I see you. I know our elders find it right but we know it is wrong for us to be close. I know this by the blood flowing from my broken heart as I walk the street from your house to mine. There is a trail of blood that you will find on your own since I am not permitted to say I am hurt that you admonished me. You are no friend. Control your jealousy. I have not become the bad one by abandoning you. I find moving on a more effective way to admonish. Be gone, be aware, be no friend of mine.