"Animals Share with Us the Privilege of Having a Soul"
I've got a sonoran soul,
a wild cat soul,
a soul that lives for sunsets.
That runs with jagged teeth,
Until one corner of the Earth meets the next.
I've got a feirce soul,
A passionate soul,
A soul that howls,
until everyones been fed.
A red, red, red, orange, amber soul that Rips and Bites and loves so fiercly that often it hides away,
Just like Ernest Hemingway said:
" The best people possess a feeling for beauty, the courage to take risks, the discipline to tell the truth, the capacity for sacrifice. Ironically, their virtues make them vulnerable; they are often wounded, sometimes destroyed."
But destroyed I am NoT,
I've got a soul that rOcks me, quAkes me, and shaKes me from my sleepy grave.
I've got a soul that doesn't give up,
I've got a strong soul,
a tigress, a sassy *****, a roaring stormin fire sista!!
And I've got a spirit...
A spirit that hums like a soft love bird, a spirit that loves to lie in backs of hippie vans and watch the sweet dangle of ornaments.
A spirit that listens, that wraps my arms around my chest, a spirit that calmly braids my hair,
a spirit that washes me like the oceans tides that roll over vast sands to cleanse the gentle earth.
A spirit that caresses, soothes and nurtures. A spirit that lives for the sunrise, a spirit that coos as the day lifts over mama cedar.
So the soul lives for sunsets, the spirit for sunrise,
and I,
At the stillness of my core,
I live for the darkness
that happens between the two worlds.