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Jan 2015
It's a new day
But it's still gray
Nothing to awake for
Waking up is just a chore
Fear grips your stomach
And anger fills your mind
Tears stain your face
As you wonder where is my place
And blood drips down your arm
You've committed a "crime" called self harm
It's a mess to clean
A battle to be fought
But each day you wake up
With more scars on your wrist
Is another challenge beat
Your alive right?
As the day comes to a close
The pills beside your bed
Just begging you to choke them down
The knife held in your hand
Tempting you to bleed it out
The belt on your waist
Persuading you to cut off the toxic air
Forget all the pains but the one you create
Forget everything good or bad alike
***** society and its rules
You never have fit in
So let's take these things and have our end
Close your eyes tight
Say goodnight
And commit the best or worst act of your life
But before you do remember each life is special
Each deserves a fighting chance
Don't give up to early for you'll only regret
Chances that were left not taken
Secrets and pleasures never experienced
Yes it seems bad but then again
How could there be a rainbow with no rain?
Written by
MaskedAngelofPain  21/F
   Vanessa Gatley
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