Speaking of perfect, let me tell you about my best friend Even when she wakes up, she's radiant like the sun Rarely knows what is best for her because Really all she cares about is everyone else A great trait in a person, but very tricky to overcome
Kindness is what is very important to her, Always say "excuse me" and "please" I love her like a sister & wish that she were To be honest, I couldn't ask for a better one Ladies be jealous of our awesome friendship You probably heard about her in a story or two Not a big deal, she's probably in every story of mine
Don't leave her side, I won't until my dying day Even when we're old & wrinkly, she's my best friend Quick to her feet when you need a hand or talk Usually ready to lend a hand & never judge Intelligent in basically every aspect of life No one I'd rather turn to when in doubt Zoo's probably aren't the best birthday present, I promise that she'll have a better birthday with me Oh, how I can't wait for more memories with Serra