Upstairs, There was a pause. "Is this just about ***?" you asked.
Instinctually I was offended. Is this just about our bodies, you mean? That my warm rub against yours is just skin, just flesh on flesh as we share the space inside one and around the other.
I permit you to taste the spit that comes from the inside, and gently you give it back, And I swallow.
This is our exchange of space and juice and breath And yes, with most persons I watch from the inside, alone; But I know you Have tasted your tide Pressed against your push and Felt you Share the space - really Share the Space - with me.
More I want to know you more, feel you more that I am driven to this potent nook of intimacy and hope that this time I will yet again, be unsatiated.
So we do it again and again to get deeper to try to force through out figures and be more together than The mutual space inside one and around the other.
Maybe I am alone. Maybe this depth is unrequited. But that is the necessary risk of Life because in order to create in order to continue We all must make love.
I evolve past offense and look into the eyes that have seen through me: "Isn't it?" I respond.