Can the Ax be more important than the one who swings it? Can the temporary be more important than the truth? Then why O why is death devalued and ignored by worldly dreams? Especially, when our physical bodies will spend far more time being dead then they ever were being alive. Why then spend a short life building a house of happiness on a foundation that will soon be destroyed? Life itself is but a dream, human bodies aren’t what they seem…. Temporary…. So why then live a dream within a dream? For i can’t press snooze when death wakes me up. Yet people die and i say why? i can stare at death with my emotions and then say, not me, not me, for my dreams will set me free. Free from any nightmares of truth….Fear… So i go on achieving this dream within a dream but when i wake up, what would any of that mean? “Those who save their lives will lose it, those who lose their lives will find it.”