Pretending, That you would never come I can't think of air I left the place I left for peace I ran
I ran through the dark roads, the light wind whistling past me I ran with fire in toes to do great things or to escape you
I didn't sleep I just ran As fast as I could As far as I could
I turned into side streets Skies, hills , trees through all scenics Traffic hung around me but never bounded me. I ran
People passed I didn't cease or they never stopped. But I did When I saw failure, elation scanty souls Combats for life for felicity, feeling blues I saw sorrows, sufferings Ample anguishness in those the sights didn't daunted my mettle to move on Feets were restrained to ail to see echt agony
I came back Acquiring a lot and found you at the same spot waiting for my arms to provide warmth I can now feel air..