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Jan 2015

4:18 AM

**** trying to think clearly.
all i can focus on
or even try to vizualize
is of you.
i had no idea
what meeting up with
the likes of you
would do.
with your linguistical spouts
and adorable rants
that eagerly coax unfamiliar sweat
from my palms.
and the metal in your mouth
clicking against my own
gets me higher than any slap in the face from Jezebel.
i don't want to ruin
that pulses from the very mention of you
by trying to explain it too much.
i want to keep it untame and rabid
surprising me like a midnight fox
bearing its teeth before curling up in my lap.
for even now
i fear,
i have begun to do just that
as i always do.
so i'll conclude
this mere doodle of you,
my newest muse,
with three pirate tokens,
a kiss on the shoulder,
and waaaay too much *****.
Written by
DaeDazer  Athens, GA
(Athens, GA)   
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