each bird has its own branch and i am alone now in mid-february midnight desolation under a web of stars white as salt and just as plentiful waiting on the celestial cyclist to bring the dawn across my face and scorch the cool wet grass
tonight the clouds are arranged like a chessboard a cosmic design in darkness and light and i am a crippled pawn meditating with with my pants off and my naked feet in the sand of a north florida crossroads trying to lose my own gravity and merge with the stars cloaked in maniac faith and american sweat
i'm waiting to be found by a bush doctor with my head filled and floating like aΒ nitrous balloon under a canopy of hi-frequency bats and the infinite disco ball hoping this mighty poem might expand time and fill space
i am no longer a jail cell poet starving and pacing like a goldfish in an orange jumpsuit the miraculous sunbreak has touched my deepest cells hypnotized my life and caught the tears on the right side of my face i am a bee trembling in sunlight salute me
i hope there is a mild breeze today to dance sensually with my drifter's spirit and swirl blond hair and pure cotton against the sky at the top of this abandoned railroad bridge covered in rust
all the sudden i am singing radically about overcoming cosmic humiliation bruise-purple tongue unhitched and lilting long throat curled up toward the sun as the birds and deer stand dumbfounded in the clearing the sound resonates in my gut as my big white teeth slam together
in this devout moment among my share of god's abundance i am only approximately human one with the smell of living trees dancing on the salad hillside big eyes birthed inside sunset colors soaked in warm honey with toes twitching above the imagined fire at my feet
when the singing stops and the sun goes down i melt back into my own temporal lobe caressed by a butterfly finally able to sleep