it was pretty much last night it was, pretty much, last night it was, pretty, much last night it was last night, it was pretty much last night the air was strings of farcical serious unheat that clutched about our wayward strips of meat in a the street was a lot like a neon painted carpet of a trillion quick sparkles glinting sorely on the immense nook of eve where was huddled darkness' slinking cloth a twill of slutty colours they prattle on the door ways on the hinges and the unopened lids of the fire cold skin that my lady wheres the night like a carnal shrug about her well sinewed luxurious shoulders; to which i'm scuttling fingers over her vibrant trachea and down the small premise of her sternum to the able stillness of her ******* and on their rush my soul is molten wax and verily my heart is tooarapidstutteringglobe at the blushing crust of her softest pinkest !