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Jan 2015
Their words punching me..
like blows to my face.
All these hurtful things , I wish I could erase..
They pull out all the shots
without even a care..
By this time my eyes and mind are blank..
I am no longer aware...
Do they think I'm stupid,  that I don't already know..
that everyone would be better ..if I was 10 feet below..
This is not a pity party ..just a well known fact..
I can tell by the way they look at me , what they they act..
It's a good thing I'm a coward, and can't see my thoughts through.
I look at my 2 babies,  and know only one thing to be true.
They love me..although god only knows why!!  But this...and only this keep me going
makes me want to try ...
so tonight as I write this, with tears pouring down my face ..
I pray that GOD  will look down ..
and save me with his grace...
Stephanie G
Written by
Stephanie G  oklahoma
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