When I forget your name like foreign venom from a foreign tongue spit into my ear smushed into a cut Will it become familiar once again?
It seems as though the day you died every memory of my childhood died too So now your name seems strange like a different note played from the same trumpet like a different word written in the same ink like something vaguely familiar but completely lost
In my head you will always be Snow White rather than the poison apple as some have made you out to be (ironically enough, all the kids who made you hate yourself who called you ****, *****, ***** they all still wept when you left us) I do not mean that you were perfect but you were my friend as a little girl as a child and that is all I remember your ghost looks like a nine year-old
I can't remember things the way I used to My father will bring up times we played together as if you're still around I never understood how that works how we can talk about you like you're still here how it seems like your fate has been forgotten
I see pictures of you when your mother posts them online and I never know what to do. My half-assed "likes" are my condolences My comments are my sympathy "I'm so sorry" has never emerged easily from underneath my tongue from the letters hidden in my saliva sticky with regret
When I forget your name I will not forget your face Your memories are etched into my bones your words are scars upon my skin your breath is fog inside my mind that makes the glass cloudy I never want this fog to clear I hope the weather never changes the way we have.