i forget sometimes that i have nothing to prove to you nevertheless i catch myself trying maybe i should set random reminders on my phone that help me remember that you don't matter how many times do i have to be reminded? parasites like you try and feed off girls with a little meat on their bones and maybe that's why you didn't stay i don't have enough meat to satiate your hunger i've got enough to feed off of for a little but you're not a very intimidating parasite you just got under my skin maybe i'm a narcissist and i just want everyone to love me or maybe i'm stupid and i was hoping that somebody would be you because you didn't appear to be a parasite i was hoping for a symbiotic relationship there was no chemistry there my hypothesis was a bust and that's not an experiment that i would like to replicate i got the science all wrong in sociology we're learning how to ask better "sociological questions" they're not supposed to focus on the individual so maybe i'd ask "What in our culture makes it seem socially acceptable for males to be complete tools to their female counterparts?" oh but in English we're learning how to argue my claim would be: I think he's an ******* and then what would follow are reasons grounds warrant and backing all of which i have against you college has taught me valuable things like it's not society's fault you're a ***** you just are.