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Jan 2015
This restless leg
Begins to twitch
I’m starting to crawl
I feel the itch

My mind is busy
With endless chatter
I can’t figure out
What is the matter

I soon will pull
My hair all out
I’m starting to tantrum
Past grin’s a pout

Anger begins
This bloods a boil
Chemicals surge
In my state of turmoil

What will I do
I cannot think
Panic sets in
I’m on the brink

Airway cuts off
I cannot breathe
This rooms’ getting dark
God help me please

Heart skips a beat
Then two then three
I’m pretty sure
This is the end for me

I cry out for help
There’s no one in sight
Where is my savior
My prince charming, my knight?

Who are you kidding
I hear with a snicker
You don’t want to be saved
You’re always a quitter

I know that voice
It sounds familiar
A childhood friend
A permanent fixture

******* FEAR!
You don’t have a right
To mess with my mind
And take over my life

A second later
My lungs fill with air
My heart finds it’s rhythm
I’m no longer impaired
Melissa Rose
Written by
Melissa Rose  48/F/Canada
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