What does “Letteth” mean? Old English to restrain To hold back a plan, a plane of death and bane - Who’s plan does “he” [1] hold back? The one who now restrains From the cradle to the grave, to keep the world in chains - Its High Priest wears the Triple Crown [2], the hat of Dagon too Has a golden chalice, robes of scarlet and of blue - A pantheon of “saints”, will answer all your prayers It will pay you off…to cover up affairs - There was a time in history, called the Ages Dark It would burn you at the stake, if to it you did not hark - Its symbol is the shinning sun, called a monstrance Helios, Apollo…or some such resemblance - Seven Years it's going to take, to make this sewage gone The Lake of Fire awaits...The ***** of Babylon