What I told you yesterday had an impact on tonight. Combined with what I said today makes it kind of frightening. I've been extra-sensitive to coincidences lately. My mind readily noticing when irony strikes.
If I've told you twice, then I've might as well told you a thousand times: my friends are not good people, and I'm not very nice, So take a hike.
What I said two thousand years ago just echoed back tonight. Recalled saying it just yesterday, back in a different life: My friends are all I have, and they make me feel alright, so if you've got a problem then go and take a hike.
Ninety million years ago, dinosaurs roamed the earth. The bulky massive precursors to all of my friends' births. They say a man can be judged by the company he keeps, and these are all just metaphors, but we've got claws and jagged teeth, so come and get yours.
I spend my time with predators learning to prey on the weak. They accept me because I know all of their secrets in a language I've spent two-hundred million years learning how to speak.
I've been extra-sensitive to coincidences lately, like how all of my friends have such thick skin. I suppose it's got something to do with my past lives, the way they let me in.
I said it yesterday and I'll say it again. Stegosaurus never stood a chance against Tyrannosaurus. A well known fact amongst my friends; Believers of evolution and survival of the fittest. One day we'll rule the earth again.