For a change I'd fight for it. Never went the way i visioned it. My dad raised me to be independent, but he also showed his cold side. I begin to beg along with the dark where I tend to hide, I don't think I have that ounce so I am going to try to be confident. Is this part of a life lesson? Or do I just miss a rout out? No one said it was easy, but would some one please for this last time guide me. I fell so out of luck, Been like this for a good while. The sun would rise, still tears falling down from my eyes. what do I do now. things in my head just scream out loud. Music let me find what I need, replace the bad in my instrument. Help me avoid the bleed, then cure my attempt. For a change I am going to have sleep as an offense, then use my lyrics as my defense. Please try me I will refuse the trash but accept defeat if it happens. Give me a smile then i can wink. Just tell me how it'll be okay because i clearly don't know what to think. All these tears begin to fade. soon it froze on my face and then Melts to my skin and won't break. I want to do good, I want to do everything i can to at least be a part of something that matters to me. For the time being all these problems shall go away, or at least guide me to my true strength to finish the rep.