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Jan 2015
There’s nothing beautiful about the crippling words that escape my mouth.
There’s no harmony when I feel as if my heart is going to burst.
I don’t feel happy when I write about sad things
And it seems the more peaceful the words the more awful the situation.
Don’t romanticize pain.
Don’t pretend that sadness is a trend.
Falling apart isn’t something you sign up for.
It’s something you get drafted for.
Forced out of your home into foreign land and forced to live day to day,
Going through the motions
You continue to fight for others but never for your own good.
Depression isn’t a party.
You don’t get presents.
No cake.
It feels as if you’re drowning in shallow water and all you hear is people screaming “get up!”
But walking away
There is nothing beautiful about the sadness that consumes me.
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