The Apostle Paul, pronounced a bitter curse [1] If you preach Paul’s Gospel, then site the chapters and the verse - His Gospel he wrote down, and sent it to a Church [2] To the Church that was in Corinth, “the scriptures” they did search - An example they did have, from Berea did this come They searched the scriptures daily, to Paul’s curse they’d not succumb [3] - “According to the scriptures” is the BEDROCK preached by Paul The chapters and the verses, learn them learn them ALL - To preach “another gospel”, upon you Paul’s curse will be You will burn in Hell, Paul’s TRUTH you did not see - Salvation is of God, take heed to what Paul wrote [4] Know the chapters and the verses, be able of them quote - This is the litmus test, between the ****** and saved To know not these Holy Scriptures, means you are depraved [5] - The depraved will burn in Hell, Paul’s curse will be fulfilled According to the Scriptures, with death you will be killed [6]
[1] Gal 1:8 [2] 1st Cor 15:1~4 [3] Acts 17:10&11 [4] Jonah 2:9 [5] 2nd Tim 3:7&8 [6] Rev 2:23