S.A.D why do you do this to me? i get rush of tears pleading to form and drip out. i hold so much back because there isn't a reason right now. then i look back at my flaws, give me some time so i put reality at a pause. i went to go cry it off. i have no reason but it still hurts. keep me moving i don't want this to work. why must this give me chills? i have yet to learn so bring up some music and take me out of social. i would rather jam and write with nature, express it and let the tears fall from my eyeball. Look what i almost completed, the trying was worth it wasn't it. Please S.A.D don't do this to me. i was doing okay for a second then all the sudden i lost the happiness. got the bad rush of the Sadness. kills my dream, what was i daydreaming about again? don't matter now i want it to go so my wounds don't have to open. To myself I think what happens in reality? if i showed them loneliness is more of a cavity. when i was smiling i guess it was ugly. now that i realize i do nothing but judge my body. silence for me is something that people should fear. but for the time being I'm a share this tear. has anyone ever blasted a song and felt your throat get locked up and dry then your stomach drops because the lyrics flashed you back to the agony. or made you cry till there was your wrist dripping to a dream of wanting to be happy. sometimes i can be the happiest person and in a split second of nothing I'd break in tears. A lot of times i don't know why but then over a good session i think i can get through just need to stay strong because i am alone i don't feel any help. when i was thinking here comes good-bye i thought see you later you don't get to see me cry. Why s.a.d just why me on this specific occasion.