Are you my birth mother? Are birth mothers suppose to be jealous of the life they created? Are they suppose to put down the very being that they she carried in her womb? Are you my birth mother?
Are you the woman who gave me life? When in reality you seem to just want to steal it away like a reaper of death. When in the big picture you tear me down every chance you get "You don't love me! I don't love you either! Go be with your father! I don't care!
Are birth mothers suppose to not care? Are they suppose to put you so low, your demons arise and take you on a journey through hell? Are they suppose to make you crave the very pain that they are suppose to protect you from?
You say that you want to be in my life when you never call Never show your face But I am suppose to do all the work. Aren't you suppose to be an adult, a role model of what a woman who gives life should be.
Why am I your ugly step child when I am suppose to be the one who you "carried for nine months".
Are you my birth mother? Can you hate something that you are suppose to have unconditional love for because I came out of you?
I don't think you're my birth mother Because I unconditionally cannot stand your very existence.
Just woke up thinking about her. Why can't she just love me man? Why is that so hard when I make it so easy!