She applied the latest fashion tips to her lips and put on the newest dress to cover the mess. I held her as she swayed in front of the mirror. "I want to get away from here," she cooes in my ear.
It rains ridicule as she tries to be classic cool; storms that brew from within- and there's no way of knowing how it'll begin. She'll say that she's a succubus but I promise that she's a star and thus destined to implode but shine beautiful before death. And I await to be burnt by her deathly breath.
She says that she feels detached, I read the message that has hatched from ten eggs thrown from a wrist. Her lips are mine but all I do is miss. Her lips aren't mine and all I do is this.
I **** time with new noise and old sights. She asks if I'll be home tonight and I wish I could because I'd clearly sway thee, macabre debutante lover baby.
Her name is Tricia and as I whisper, her cheeks blush. "Don't break hearts or mine too much." I could say the say the same for you, my Josh. Couldn't we all break broken signs with the love we reallign?
I tantalize her lullabies with eager hands and lethargic eyes. I shoulder her and press her near, and kiss her from neck to each ear. She slides hands and traces each crease. She runs her hands as soft as fleece. My hands hide in her underwear and she says, "How did you remove all of my air?" She fixes her hands and grabs my base, I kiss each corner of her face. Stroking, stoking my desire, I ask her to lay naked by the fire.
I disrobe and throw each cloth on ground. Tricia takes off her bra and there is no sound. Her ******* make me eagersome and, suddenly, I'm no longer numb . I tell her that if it doesn't feel right that we don't have to make love tonight. She walks and her feet kiss the tile. She says she wants to stay for a while.
We get lost in blanket and the cloth is soft, as we move from the fire to a loft. I tell her that her lips are silk, her chest plays songs, and her taste is milk.
Her feet appear behind my head, and she bites her lip until I feel dead. I place my hand between her thighs and listen to each moan and sigh.
I hear her shudder as I break her soil and I feel my body start to boil, as I push in and kiss her nose. She throws back her head as her mouth can't close.
I wake up and she's next to me. I kiss her forehead to thank for harmony. I pick her up and let her bloom in my arms like a flower. And then I walk her to the shower.