typecast hero looking for a way out tired of rushing to the aid of others so they can once again foolishly find themselves in need of assistance and realignment and so on and so on the story drags only the ******* fan stays behind knowing, sweating with anticipation carrying the understanding within that patience pays off in the majority and majorly in the winter months – lackluster wedding bands attempt to gleam bright only to flatly express devotion marred and grimy, old mechanic fingers twist reality – estranged housewives estimate child care costs lost in the embossed glow of ceramic vases chastising lying children for learning to deceive from the adulterous ***** in charge angry red hair flying, free of bobby pins and regular trips to the stylist sends pointy fingers stabbing into the thick air accusatory – her guilt blinding the common folk trying desperately to sew enough crop fodder to survive another dire winter and worst the oncoming season of misinterpretation Spring… once signifying rebirth and new life representing now only more cleverly hidden deceit for it is only through the summer that we may find ourselves again freezing looking at the despair and desolation winter always finds its way back –