IN GOD’S NAME, THE COMPASSIONATE MATLOOB BOKHARI O Most Gracious and Most Merciful God Who raised up the heavens without any support. Who forgave our first parents, Adam and Eve Who listened cries of Younus from depth of darkness Who rescued Nuh , and drowned who denied His signs Who ordered the fire to be cool and be safety for Ibrahim Who kept Yousuf away from the seduction of Zulaikhah Who blessed Musa a radiance white hand and a staff Who made Mary and her son a sign for the worlds Whose signs are the night and the day ; the sun, the moon Glory be Thee! O totally forgiving God, I repent to You Ask forgiveness in the name of Muhammad and his progeny I am most meek, I am most humble, I am most obedient O God Who pardons like a mother, I made big mistakes I am worst sinner, I confess my sins, I ask big forgiveness I have wounded my soul; I have gone astray, forgive me! Please forgive me! To err is human, to forgive is Divine Surely, Your compassion overcomes Your wrath!