The time that's been ordained, are three score years plus ten [1] Sixty-nine have been fulfilled, the last will soon begin - One week of Seven years, will be a cleansing of the earth [2] "The Time of Jacobs's Troubles", anguish pain and dearth - Word War Three is on the way, one hour it will last [3] Millions millions will be killed, then into Hell they will be cast - If your journey into Hell, is postponed a little bit You will take the Mark, before you're cast into the PIT [4] - For one thousand years you'll burn, then you'll stand before the Throne [5] From the Books you will be judged, you worshiped gods of stone [6] - Then you'll be cast alive, into the Lake of Fire [7] FOREVER there you'll burn, with every other LIER !!!
[1] Dan 9:24 [2] The Book of Revelation [3] Rev 18:17~19 [4] Rev 14:10 [5] Rev 20:11&12 [6] Ashtaroth (aka "Mary") [7] Rev 20:15