In time this river will run dry though now it flows fast and free boundless and untamed it knows no fear it is not tranquil and composed but ruthless; brutal
Carried harshly in its fierce flow I have nothing left within to fight the torrent that surrounds me that time and time again compels me downwards beneath frenzied eddies of rage and despair
Now and then this river releases her hold and I struggle to resurface I am beaten I am near willing to drown; to end misery -- overwhelming misery
As I wretchedly grasp for air something inside refuses to yield it beckons me onward calls me to fight against surrender to flow with the flood of grief and journey each bend
I know now that in time the surge will ebb and this river will become a stream a tributary a branch an arm -- that I may grab hold stand again and walk away
Words by K A Little 9 March 2011 All Rights Reserved