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Dec 2014
I wrote a letter once.
Of all the things I wanted to tell you, but was too afraid to.
I wanted to tell you how you made me feel like my heart was ripped out of my chest and stomped on.
I wanted to tell you that you made me worthless and that no one would ever love me again.
I wanted to tell you that I feel like an imbecile for ever thinking I meant anything to anyone.
I wanted to tell you that at 3:35 in the morning, when I'm awake crying, you're the only person on my mind.
I wanted to tell you that you're the reason I have to have caffeine pumping through my veins in order to function.
but I didn't say any of that.
I told you that I still love you.
Haley Robbins
Written by
Haley Robbins
   Diary of the Damned and SPT
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