Crying out for change For something temporary To fill the void between now and forever Even though I know…
Temporary will only feed the emptiness And merely pacify the pain of loneliness…
Not only for me...
But for another
Is it wrong to want someone to hold To want someone to hold me To chase away each other’s darkness In companionship and calm In passion and compassion In mutual understanding and desire Knowing it will only be temporary Until we each find our forever?
Maybe not…
All I know is this:
Every time what seemed to be my forever Turned out to be only temporary...
The emptiness grew more fiercely...
And the nights grew longer…
Loneliness became more lonely…
My heart more broken
And if I can curse the sky…
Curse my name…
Knowing how much harder it will be…
How can I condone…
How can I expect…
How can I allow…
How can I ask anyone for temporary No matter how much it may appeal to either of us...
If I know it would do more to destroy love Than to create love…
Why does temporary even appeal to me at all at times?
Temporary feels like forever
Temporary always ends
No matter how long it takes…
Temporary always ends
No matter how long the nights…
No matter how long the wait…
No matter how lonely loneliness may seem…
I wait...
Though the emptiness inside me grows...
No matter how loud the whisper...
No matter how silent the scream…
I will wait for my forever Because this pain is only temporary And temporary always ends…