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Mar 2011
Pitter patter, oh the clatter,
Whatever could be the matter?

There I see before me
merely inches from my toes
A smiling mouse eating cheese
and sniffing with his nose.

Dare I scream, or should I laugh?
This smiling mouse incites
no fear, no spite, no dread,
But quite instead delights.

For there he sits upon his haunches
Smiling sweet and knowing.
Silently now nibbling slowly,
For all the world, just a-glowing.

Could such a creature
make a clatter
Sounding like the earth
would Shatter?

I know not what he thinks
in his mousely way,
But I believe he smiles within
Laughing at my dismay.

Reaching down to touch his cheek
with his gaze upon my fingers.
I touch that sweet, knowing face
and on his countenance linger.

He makes me think of times gone by
of younger days and different times
When life was simple to define
And love once reigned sublime.

Sweet moments shared
As time goes by
Bringing love again
To a heart once so shy.

Flaming colors shine again.
Never knew such a clatter
in this dark drear world
Would wake what was the matter?

My Thanks to You Mousely one
For bringing home the shining sun.
For a dear friend.
Judy Ponceby
Written by
Judy Ponceby  Ohio, USA
(Ohio, USA)   
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