From the other room I listen as you explain the many, many, many reasons, things, times, and appointments that necessarily mean the end of us
The otherness and incidentals of the often forgotten details and to-dos of lives better and happier lived
From the other room I listen as you describe your life in words of painful regret, missed opportunities and hopeless futures that don’t exist so very much for me
The pain and ingratitude of a poor life disrespect and disregard becoming the ante of daily living
From the other room I listen as you check emails and vmails and texts of agreement, refreshment, and immediate joy that shower down from new confidantes not me
The pleasure of escaping from the marital mundane dancing and drinking re-becoming the woman admired
From the other room I remember the choices we made when agreement was agreeable and available that made lives worth living well
The simpleness of a look the knowing confidence day in and day out when someone, You, cared.