I need to THANK the people in this world that help, smile, a hand or food that give without thought, stand bright that do things without thinking, they bring miracles, doing what they do being good, there heart shining, a light the heart can be heavy with shadow of yesterday, some strangers pass by not seeing the darkness and pain and then a 'grin' and a wish comes out of nowhere and knowing they are not alone, don't have to explain the souls that are beacons, give hope and happiness because they can, not for possessions or money I hope and wish you all well and your world filled with joy, your plates overflowing with good food and honey and to the people who feel alone and afraid, not enough to eat or nothing to give I can only say, you are not alone, reach out and there is help, you have to reach out to live!!!!!!
to Everybody who has smiled at a stranger or given a helping hand. and to the alone people, there is a helping hand. i am one of you i was helped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!