I wanted to rip your heart out And eat it like it were a fruit Just so you could die Like you made me want to.
I thought I loved you At one point, maybe twice But it was really just hate That started at a small height.
I gave you everything Bent over backwards, upside down I served my heart in place of yours But my love you never found.
Your perception was twisted You wanted to tear me apart Said I was the lusted, the wanted But you were wrong from the start.
I was weak, you were right And from you I learned so much That I can't let people walk on me Least of all let them touch--
My heart.
You see I took it back from you And threw the truth in your face Even after all we had been through You placed me as a disgrace.
I let you down but in reality You let ME down And I had to figure **** out After you left me with a frown.
Stabbed me in the back countless times Asked me for money and favors And I wrote out all your rhymes For you poetic labors.
It was all my hard work Thrown down the drain But I let you go And inevitably you went insane.
Because I set my rage free And you clung to it for years I know it held you back Causing many of your tears.
And still I never wanted to hurt you I just wanted you to see That you couldn't treat anyone like that Least of all me.
So maybe I was your wake up call Or at least I planted the seed Someone else can water it But I suppose you've become a ****.
I've heard things 'round the bend That you've finally been seen for what you were I always knew that side of you But I was friends with something else, what it was, I'm not sure.
And once I learned And grew up I traveled on And threw you out of my cup.
And that cup I filled Not with anything of you But everything of me And all I had been that was true.
And now here I am Doing fine without you But I don't regret any of it Because it was part of everything I had to go through.