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Mar 2011
careless that she is a soldier's daughter
this afternoon she is a dancer
Looby-Loo skipsy across the cool tiles
while outside the sun crushes the town

hardly enough of her
to fill her pinafore
feather, skelf, sunbeam in perfect time
to the tune in her head

she holds her audience's gaze
four chairs, a broom and the cat
she notices a moth caught in a web
the window squeaks in the heat

1000s of miles away
sand catches at his boots
his mind waltzes back
across his last patrol

trusting the instincts
which have carried him safely
through each patrol so far
dancing with his death

like some deadly tango
after the first few steps
there is no going back
just like having children

there is no going back
David Tollick
Written by
David Tollick
   Imogen and Megan Kirby
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